Pregnancy and birth - what to expect
Pregnancy and birth - what to expect
A new life is growing, your life is changing – learn more about this special time.
Carrying a baby is the most important job in the world and, while it’s a completely natural process, sometimes the sheer scale of it can be overwhelming – especially if this is your first baby.
We want to encourage you to look after yourself. A little stillness and peace in each day are going to become increasingly important, and in the natural world, there are many comforting and safe ingredients that feature in our pregnancy and baby ranges.
Early days
In the first trimester of pregnancy, from conception to three months, there’s much to think about and a lot of adjusting to do. Unfortunately for many mums-to-be, the upheaval in your body could bring its own troubles at the same time – tiredness and nausea could be especially hard to deal with if you’re still trying to keep the pregnancy under wraps.Expect to feel lethargic, dreamy and tired. As your baby develops and your body adjusts it’s only natural. Try to rest when you can and look forward to the second trimester when many women find energy levels returning. Weleda’s Blackthorn Elixir is a refreshing help during this demanding phase.
With hormones running around your system it’s a vulnerable time for your skin, which may flare up with blemishes or irritation. That should calm down after three months and, meanwhile, our Sea Buckthorn Reviving Bodycare will nourish troubled skin with essential oils and plentiful vitamin C.
Just for Mum
It’s during this trimester that you need to start getting into the habit of self-protection with rest times. A short walk, a warm bath, a self-indulgent facial at home – all these quiet, absorbing rituals will help you focus energy flow between yourself and your unborn child. Explore our product pages for a face, body and bath care range that suits you best, and make sure each day includes the time to just relax.Your growing bump
It’s the second trimester, from three to six months, and from now on you’ll be taking care of both of you, and luckily feeling energetic enough to do so. That’s great if you’ve got a nursery to get ready, but don’t overdo it – leave the ladder-climbing to someone else!Your growing bump might be putting a strain on your skin. Plan to avoid stretch marks by using Stretch Mark Massage Oil, with a combination of rich natural oils and gentle massage to improve the elasticity of skin on breasts, tummy, hips, thighs and buttocks. For tired and itchy skin use Weleda Baby Calendula Lotion after your bath.
This is a time to enjoy togetherness with your partner before both of you need to give full attention to your new arrival. How about soaking your weary feet in a basin of Lavender Relaxing Bath Milk as you watch a favourite film at home, before accepting a gentle foot massage with Weleda Foot Balm – cooling, refreshing and revitalising with lavender and sweet orange oil.
The final stretch
The last trimester, from six to nine months, could see you feeling big, clumsy and impatient, but remember that your body still has a lot of adjustments to make. Your big bump could make it hard to get comfortable at night – keep pillows of different sizes handy to prop yourself in a comfortable position. For a mind that races at night, adding to bodily discomfort, the less caffeine the better. Try herbal teas instead, avoiding stimulating peppermint for these few months.Body changes that could be annoying just now include bleeding gums and greasy hair caused by those active hormones. For oral hygiene try our naturally astringent Ratanhia Toothpaste and Medicinal Gargle – excellent for strengthening gums. Calendula Shampoo and Bodywash is so mild you can share it with baby – and it suits a daily hair wash for you, too.
Calendula Shampoo and Bodywash are also ideal for your first wash after giving birth – gentle, loving and joyous. Or take a warm shower after the birth with Wild Rose Creamy Body Wash, to treat yourself after all that hard work and help harmonise the spirit after such momentous events.