Women's Environmental Network - The Big Stink!
We are excited to announce that Weleda is supporting the next WUM Forum - The Big Stink!
Wednesday 18th October 6pm-9pm - The Big Stink - Harmful chemicals in everyday products and what you can do about it! @ Amnesty International UK Human Rights Action Centre 17-25 New Inn Yard London EC2A 3EA

We will be exploring the following questions:
- What do the terms natural and organic really mean?
- Why are these chemicals used in the first place?
- What are the health impacts of harmful chemicals on our bodies
- How can we protect ourselves from harmful chemicals?
- Is gender an issue?
- What is the environmental impact of these chemicals?
- What does Brexit mean to this debate?
- Francis Blake, Chair of the COSMOS-standard AISBL and former Standards Director, Soil Association
- Jayn Sterland, Managing Director, Weleda (UK & Ireland)
- Helen Lynn, Co-founder, CoolGreen and Health Adviser, WEN
- Nat van Zee, International Make-Up Artist & Clean Beauty Curator @vanzeebeauty
- A. Michael Warhurst, Executive Director, CHEM Trust