
  • October news 30/10/2017

    In the cycle of the year we’ve just passed the Celtic festival of Samhain which is halfway between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. This marks the ending and the beginning of the Celtic year and is the beginning of the deepest, darkest part of the year.

  • September in the garden 02/09/2017

    After August’s lull we’re back in full swing in the Weleda gardens, enjoying the warm soft light of these gentle September days (apart from when it rains!)

  • August in the garden 20/08/2017
    The first day of August has a long tradition of celebration as the feast day of Lammas, also known as the time of the harvest festival.
  • July Garden 18/07/2017
    July brings us the heady mixture of long days and hot, summer sun. Flowers are in full bloom and insects and bees are finding a rich banquet of pollen, working hard in these months of abundance.
  • June Garden 28/06/2017
    Now is the time to come together and celebrate mid-summer; the longest day is upon us. This is one of the most widely recognised and celebrated points in the year.
  • Beautiful green May! 30/05/2017
    May sees us surrounded by vibrant green once again. Playful birdsong and the humming of busily feeding insects fills the air.
  • April blossoms 28/04/2017
    Thanks to the clocks leaping forward an hour last month we can now really feel the sun’s presence growing ever stronger.
  • Spring is in the air! 30/03/2017
    Spring is in the air; brightly coloured spring flowers are out in bloom and the Weleda gardeners are getting ready to spring into action!
  • February Garden 28/02/2017
    February sees the slow stirrings of spring starting to show. We start to notice the lengthening days. February 2nd is Candlemas, one of the cross-quarter festivals, when the day/night balance starts to shift and the longer daylight hours lead us gently towards spring’s warmth and light.
  • January Garden 31/01/2017
    For the gardeners up at the field of Weleda, this winter has been mostly a damp and misty time, punctuated with a few bright and frosty days which really lifted our spirits. Even though it can be quite a ‘low’ period for many reasons, it does bring an exciting time for all biodynamic growers.
  • Recycle that Halloween Pumpkin 31/10/2016
    Don't let your Halloween pumpkin end up as food waste! Try this tasty soup recipe that I made the Weleda staff at our recent Michaelmas Celebration.
  • Nettle harvest! 10/06/2016
    Have you noticed how prolific the stinging nettles are this time of year? They seem to have enjoyed the recent weather conditions and are in full flowering mode. We love nettles at Weleda!